New Beginnings
By Kevan Wain
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Scientists tell us that the earth rotates around the sun on a rock-steady 23.5-degree axis―which just happens to be the perfect orientation to support four seasons and temperatures fit for habitation.
If for example, the earth was to deviate from its position by even the slightest degree, that part of the population closest to the sun would burn, while those furthest away would freeze. There is no margin for error, and this fact of nature shows that the Lord’s love for us is truly unfailing. Every revolution of the Big Blue Marble brings a new beginning to live and love like Jesus.
In what ways has God proven His love and faithfulness in your life?
Under the Old Testament Law, God decreed in Israel that every seventh year was to be a Sabbatical year when slaves were to be set free, debts were to be canceled and the land was to be given rest from planting. And every fiftieth year, after seven Sabbatical cycles, came the Jubilee year―a major reset in the lives of the Israelites―when the people were to refrain from planting crops, poor and indebted Israelites were set free of their obligations, and land was to be returned to its original owners or their heirs. What a system!
The purpose of these ordinances was to remind the people that everything they owned was holy unto to the Lord, and they offered a way for new beginnings in the lives of God’s people. They were at once a foreshadowing of the reconciling work of the cross and the ultimate consummation of all things under Christ.
Many people today make New Year’s resolutions year after year only to realize that by Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third week of January) their proclamations have become fading memories. While there can be only one New Year’s Day in twelve months, the Lord’s compassions are new each morning! In other words, every day is a new chance—filled with new hope—to walk closer and be more obedient to Him, and each new season of life offers new opportunities to experience the goodness of God. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.” (Lam. 3:24) For the New Testament believer, it’s a new beginning when we invite the Lord to cleanse us of our sin as we surrender our lives afresh to His wondrous will.
As you begin your next brand-new day, ask yourself, How do I want this day to close? Where do I want to end up? Don’t allow another opportunity to pass you by. Seize the day by setting your affections on things of lasting, eternal value.